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About me

I love programming, music, lifting heavy things and learning new things in life!
Currently I am a Software developer student at the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Here's some of my projects both school and personal projects.
Check out my Algorithm-Visualization.

JavaScript & React


FreeCodeCamp is a online learning platform for learning to code.

View the projects at CodePen.
These project make use of React.js class components.

Random Quote Machine, Markdown Previewer, Drum Machine, JavaScript Calculator and a Pomodoro Clock.

I've done 3 of their modules, which they estimate to take about 300 hours to complete each. The modules ends with 5 small projects.

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JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certifications Responsive Web Design Certifications Front End Libraries Certifications

JavaScript & React

Algorithm Visualization

This is personal project I made for visualizing common sorting algorithms,
and more. It's pretty cool !

The project is hosted on Google Firebase platform.

It also make use of ApexCharts.js React, and is created with React.js Hooks
It's not at this current moment optimized for different screen sizes.

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C# & .Net

Roadside Help Assistance

This web-application provides an easy overview for customers to find & make appointments with mechanics registered on this app.
Mechanics will have a overview for incoming, current and past requests that has been sent to their workshop.
Mechanics can accept or deny requests from customers. Customer will get an email notification about the state changes to their request.

This was made for my APP course for my bachelors degree at USN - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.
It was made with Core 2.2, Entity framework, LINQ, MVC, Razor Pages, ASP.NET Core Identity, Bootstrap.css, Code-First approach and made use of Google Maps API.

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